The Habit of Learning

I will learn
to listen
to my body’s

The Habit of Learning

I will learn
to listen
to my body’s

The way we talk to ourselves every day has a large impact on our behavior. This week, as you focus on practicing The Habit of Learning, put your intentions into words:

5. The Habit of Learning

I will listen to my body’s signals until I understand what they are telling me to do.
I will learn the language of doctors, prescriptions, screenings, tests, and all that has to do with the care of my precious body.
I will be alert to the world around me for solutions and ideas that can improve my health.  My health is my greatest wealth and
I will invest in it by learning how to best protect and strengthen it.

For this one week, repeat to yourself every morning:

BL-PARENI will learn to listen to
my body’s signals


Your focus this week:
the habit of learning.

This week, turn your attention towards learning all you can about your health conditions and treatments. It’s critical to understand your health-care team’s input and guidance in order to make the best decisions for yourself.  So take the time to ask questions about any medical terms or tests that confuse you.  And while you’re at it, check with your pharmacist to be sure you are taking your medications correctly. Do all this, and you’ll be on your way to becoming “health literate,’’ which means that you’ll have a good grasp of the medical information you need to know. In fact, being health literate is considered one of the most important factors in determining your health destiny – even more important than money or education.
