8 Foods That Love You
By Debbie Poliski and Lisa Reswick
Research continues to prove it: choosing foods that are natural and unprocessed can enhance your vitality and help reduce the risk of diabetes and other diseases, such as heart disease and some cancers.
Whole Foods Vs. Processed Foods
Foods that love you—whole foods— enhance your energy level, your thinking, and your mood. Without the added sugars found in many processed foods, they won’t raise your blood sugar to unhealthy levels. They come straight from nature to provide you with fresh flavors, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that work perfectly together to support your metabolism and protect your health.
Highly processed foods do just the opposite: they break your body down. That’s because they have been altered from their natural state with additives, some of them particularly harmful to you. Be extra careful if the label lists things like high fructose corn syrup, high levels of sodium, and unhealthy fats.
Perhaps the most damaging effect of overly processed foods is that they are addictive: the more you eat them, the more you may crave excessively sweet, salty, or fatty foods.
The Anti-Diabetes Diet
A key part of an aggressive anti-diabetes diet can be summed up very simply: eat more foods that are as close to natural as possible, and eat fewer processed foods.
Choose the path that will help you prevent diabetes or control it well. Seek the guidance of a nutritionist to help you lower your glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol. Cook at home to give yourself the freshness and wholesomeness your body needs.
Begin to add these 8 powerfully beneficial foods to your everyday diet. Read about how each of them will help to support and protect your metabolism in the next 3 pages:
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Fresh leafy greens
Vegetables and fruits
Whole grains
Cold-water fish
Cultured dairy
Nuts and seeds
Read more about these 8 foods >
Step 1: Make an appointment with a nutritionist.
Your metabolism is like no other, and the effects of specific foods are unique to you. That’s why an essential first step in managing diabetes or prediabetes is to consult with a nutritionist.