About Us & Our Contributors

Pauline Cabouli
Founder, Editor-in-Chief
Pauline is a passionate crusader for diabetes prevention and control.
As Creative Director of her own marketing firm, King and Cabouli Direct Marketing, she has overseen the development of hundreds of projects for Fortune 500 companies, including a diabetes educational program that reached over 350,000 patients.
In the summer of 2016, she launched Diabetes Gladiator as an English and Spanish website to provide a dynamic, aspirational diabetes life model to help those touched by diabetes envision how to “defend’’ their health through lifestyle changes.
Pauline is especially focused on providing lifestyle information that can help readers avoid developing full-fledged diabetes, as well as keep the disease well controlled if they already have it. One of her goals is to raise awareness of diabetes that is still undiagnosed in high-risk communities, providing the best chance for early, effective intervention that may save lives.
Pauline was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is fluent in both Spanish and English. You may contact her at pauline@diabetesgladiador.com or at pauline@diabetesgladiator.com

Lisa Reswick
Senior Editor
Lisa has an extensive background as an advertising copywriter. After writing about books, software, investing and cars, among other products and services, she has been specializing in health and wellness for the past decade.
Her experience in writing about diabetes includes editing and writing a health-and-wellness newsletter for people with diabetes, communications projects related to insulin products, meters, and oral diabetes medications, and articles for Diabetes Forecast Magazine. She recently earned a Masters Degree in Digital Education from New York University, adding expertise in learning theory and educational technology to her communication skills.
In addition, Lisa has “on the ground” knowledge of the challenges of living with diabetes as the wife of a Joslin 50-year Medalist—a distinction given to her husband, who has been living well with Type 1 diabetes for over 50 years.

Debbie Polisky
Debbie is an accomplished bilingual nutritionist, writer and speaker. She grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from the University of Buenos Aires. She also holds a Master of Science degree in Nutrition from Rosalind University in Chicago.
With over twenty years of experience in private practice, workshops and bilingual health consulting in two countries, Debbie uses mind-body techniques such as mindfulness, stress management, exercise, yoga and nutrition to improve the lives of patients. She has received numerous awards for nutrition and wellness education aimed at diverse populations.
Debbie is the Founder and CEO of Words and Health and Nutrition Tango. You can reach Debbie at www.nutritiontango.com for individual nutrition coaching, or at www.wordsandhealth.com for businesses in need of bilingual health communication services.

Angela Rivera
Chef Angela Rivera is a graduate of the Natural Gourmet Institute and a mother of four. She is passionate about teaching parents and children how easy and affordable getting healthy with good food can be.
Angela has taught healthy cooking for numerous programs and institutions including The Children’s Village, Cornell Cooperative, Keys to Abundant life, RP Connor elementary, and the Greater Hudson Valley Family Health Center. She also teaches children in New York City schools how to cook healthy for themselves, as well as running her own company, The Healthy Chef Lady, which runs a culinary program every summer for children with autism. Angela also currently consults for Joy Bauer, the nutritionist who appears on the Today show. You can find Angela’s story and recipes at www.healthycheflady.com.

Alfred Assin
Site design by Alfred Assin, Mr. Grey
With 20 years of accomplishment in graphic design and advertising, Alfred Assin specializes in branding and identity. His experience spans a wide array of industries, including pharmaceutical, resort and travel, real estate and luxury goods.
Alfred’s consultancy firm, Mr. Grey, incorporates UI and UX skills in expanding his branding and identity work to websites and mobile device applications. Alfred has a deep commitment to the field of diabetes communications, and to applying technology and design to maximize the impact of health-promoting communications.
Natural Gourmet Institute
New York
Natural Gourmet Institute is the leader in progressive culinary education and has graduated more than 2,500 chefs from over 45 countries. Their curriculum empowers chefs, individuals and communities to be leaders in the conversation about food through the preparation of healthful and delicious meals.